Permaculture Principle #7 - Design from Patterns to Details

Hi! Another week and another Permaculture Principle. This week, we are up to Principle #7 - Design from Patterns to Details.

Permaculture originator David Holmgren describes this principle as follows

“The commonality of patterns observable in nature and society allows us to not only make sense of what we see, but to use a pattern from one context and scale, to design in another. Pattern recognition is an outcome of the application of Principle 1: Observe and interact, and is the necessary precursor to the process of design”.

Holmgren continues to talk about how we as humans often are distracted by the details, missing to see the larger picture. The proverb “I can’t see the forest for all the trees” is a good example of this. 

Therefore it is important to start looking at the patterns, before we get into the details. And when you think of it, patterns are everywhere: Weather patterns, sleep patterns, water flow patterns, the pattern of out heart beating.

When using this principle in our life and in our garden, I like to think about things perhaps not used in the right way. How can we step back and look at the larger picture, changing the way something works, using natures way. 

Here are some of the patterns I look at when designing a garden:

  • The suns movement - It is important to have the full picture of the suns movement over the year when we design our garden. If we only look at the detail, one day for example, we might make some faulty decisions when making up our design

  • Wind patterns - Similar to the suns movement, it is beneficial to have a good idea of the patterns of the wind. Where are the strong winds coming from and when?

  • Rainfall - Another important pattern to consider when planning a garden.

When thinking about this principle for our daily life, I believe it can be a very useful tool to stop and actually notice things about ourselves and our patterns. What patterns can we zoom in on and perhaps change for the better? I am sure that if you start to look at your behaviours and patterns each day you realise you are doing a lot of the same things each day, even without noticing. Some things might be great patterns, like starting the day with some yoga or a glass of lemon water, but can you find the patterns that are not serving you?

I encourage you to look closer at your patterns, and make a change!

Let me know how you go!

See you next week.


Permaculture Principle #8 - Integrate rather than segregate


Permaculture Principle #6 - Produce No Waste